Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beet-Root Pomegranate Salad

                                             Beet-Root Pomegranate Salad


·        4 medium size Beet –Roots
·        16 oz. Or 2 cups of Pomegranate seeds
·        16 oz. of mandarin orange (Canned or Fresh)
·        ¼ cup of chopped cilantro.
·        Salt as per taste
·        Black pepper as per taste.
·        1 cup of thick Yogurt.
·        1 tsp. of olive oil


·        Peel beet roots and cut in to chunks.
·        Put chunks of beet root in a pan with pinch of salt and ¼ cup of water.
·        Turn the stove on and put Pan on medium heat.
·        Let it cook for 10 minutes till softens.
·        Let it cool
·        Put olive oil and mix
·        In a platter, put first layer of beet root chunks
·        Sprinkle with salt & pepper
·        2nd layer of Pomegranate seeds.
·        Sprinkle with salt & pepper again
·        3rd layer of thick Yogurt, Sprinkle salt & pepper
·        4th layer with mandarin orange
·        5th & final layer with chopped Cilantro
Your healthy salad is ready.